Chris Guillebeau on Being Productive (and Idle!) Anywhere

Chris GuillebeauYes! I managed to do the impossible: I got Chris Guillebeau, probably the most productive traveler on this planet, to admit that he could relate to the concept of idleness as described here on TFA!

Idlers, rejoice: Even productivity mavens know the value of disconnecting, relaxing, and letting the idle brain do its job!

Of course, this is only part of the story! Because the real lesson from talking to Chris was that being productive isn’t just a matter of the right tools and tricks. Ultimately, it’s about doing the right work: Work that matters, work that you love, and work that helps other people.

All in all, I can honestly say that my Productive Anywhere interview with Chris was amazing! I was happy to talk to someone so smart and inspiring, and he was a perfect fit for the great line of interviewees I was lucky to talk to during the creation of the guide.

As a special treat for you and for the benefit of working travelers everywhere, Chris and I decided to give this interview away to you for free! Just listen in right here or feel free to download the MP3!

Productive Anywhere Interview – Chris Guillebeau

Additionally, a full PDF transcript is also available!


The photo is CC-BY-NC directly from Chris’ Flickr account.