I stumbled about this post a few months ago and added it to my 50 or so open Safari tabs. As I rarely eat eggs anymore, time passed. But then, this weekend, I suddenly found myself with a bunch of eggs in my fridge and not much else to cook. Broccoli being a favorite of […]
All posts filed under ‘Recommendations’
Link: Screw Your Standing Desk! A sitter’s manifesto
Entertaining attack by Ben Crair on the standing desk hype, including this brilliant passage on a much better solution to back problems: Of course the long, stationary workdays of most Americans are unhealthy. The solution should not be to sit less, but to work less. If sitting is as bad as the doctors say—and I’m […]
Puzzle Business (And How NOT to Build Your $100 Startup)
Here’s what most prospective (micro) business founders tend to think: Damnit, if I want to start a business in this world, in this environment, in this economy, I’ll need a damn fine plan in order to get somewhere! And so they sit down and think. They brainstorm. They investigate. They take courses. They write down […]
Easter Beyond Rules
To those of you of Christian faith (or otherwise enjoying a few days off), Happy Easter. Make this a friendly anarchistic holiday by grabbing a copy of the totally revised edition of Beyond Rules for Kindle (MOBI) and EPUB readers. It’s available right now at Karol Gajda’s amazing new ebook store, OnlyIndie. I’m honored to […]
Make 2012 Your Independence Year
You know I’m not the guy for excessive marketing and frivolous promotions, but whenever my friend and teacher Jonathan launches something, I have to let you know – because it’s worth it! His newest program is called Trailblazer, and it’s like Paid To Exist on steroids. I had the chance to check out the first […]