All posts filed under ‘Lifestyle Design

Hell is a Second

If time is relative, the same may be true for Heaven and Hell. Many people think we are here for a reason: We are here to create something, to let something out that’s already inside us, to “become who we are”. So here’s a thought: Depending on how good we manage to do that, and […]

Two Kinds of Freedom

Here’s the kind of freedom I’m not interested in: It’s the freedom to choose between other people’s options. Some examples: The freedom to buy one brand of shampoo or another. The freedom of flextime, choosing to enter a job either at 8am or 9am. The freedom of fashion, showing good taste by choosing Apple over […]

Ideal Conditions

As promised, here’s a bad piece of good advice: ((Or, vice-versa!)) Create ideal conditions. Before you even start something, make it fail-proof. Waiting for ideal conditions can be either blazingly smart or sheepishly stupid, and it shows perfectly how good advice really is a mixed bag. Let’s take an example… say, writing a book. You […]

The ‘Fuck It’ Moment

Fuck it. Let’s go to court. —Jeffrey Wigand I never left a source hang out to dry, ever! Abandoned! Not ’till right fucking now. When I came on this job I came with my word intact. I’m gonna leave with my word intact. Fuck the rules of the game! —Lowell Bergman Spoiler Alert: If you […]

Rules and Ruloids: An (Incomplete) Bestiary

Rules come in many styles and flavors, they hide in many linings and disguises, behind various masks and makeups. Often, they wear the latest fashion. Sometimes, they just wear the emperor’s new clothes. And still, they keep being the same old limiting rules that we would like to identify, analyze and – if we deem […]