All posts filed under ‘Idle Musings

Slower Travels, Lessons Learned

Spending the last few weeks on the street once again confirmed my general approach to slower travel. While other location independents call themselves “professionals” – and, certainly, deservedly so – I am more a location independent dilettante kind of guy. Give me six months in Cartagena and (some) work will get done. Give me a […]

Being Idle, In Practice

Dear Friendly Anarchist Sympathizers, to gain more credibility as an idler, I took some time off to spend in Outloggistan. While this will cost me subscribers and internet fame, I am doing well camping at -5 degrees Celsius in England, eating way too hot Thai curry in Cologne, and drinking the finest (though a little […]

Location Independence, 1972 A.D.

So you thought you were vanguard because of your muse business and your apartment in Chiang Mai? Think again. If you’re looking for those proverbial “greener pastures” by all means subscribe to “GREENER PASTURES GAZETTE”. This down-to-earth newsletter covers job and business opportunities, real estate, and the great joys of living in “countryside Edens where […]

Blogging in Tempo Giusto

Since the beginning of the year, I’m on an information diet. I have dramatically reduced the amount of information I consume on a daily basis by limiting e-mail, prioritizing RSS feeds, scheduling Twitter and news site visits. This diet was boosted involuntarily during the last few days due to a broken internet connection – and […]