Since the beginning of the year, I’m on an information diet. I have dramatically reduced the amount of information I consume on a daily basis by limiting e-mail, prioritizing RSS feeds, scheduling Twitter and news site visits.
This diet was boosted involuntarily during the last few days due to a broken internet connection – and resulted in way more time spent at the beach and having fun with family and friends. Not a bad thing, really. (Right now, my three little nieces are sneaking through this temporary office playing hide-and-seek.)
Although I already had a longer writing prepared for you, I didn’t post it yet. It’s all about slower living (and blogging), and I found this was a great excuse to postpone it a little and refine it some more.
Why? Because information overflow is not just a consumer problem. As writers, we sometimes put too much stuff out there because “it’s just a blog post” – but if we only produce more noise, then we’re probably on the wrong track. Although each reader can freely decide upon what to read and what not, it’s certainly better to avoid information overflow from a producer side and make sure the texts we publish are of value. Post when there’s a great thing to post – that would be blogging in tempo giusto.*
More on that in a few days.
*) The fun thing is that I am breaking my own rule with this post; but then, it’s Idle Musing Tuesday and I wouldn’t want you to think I am dead or something. Also, my nieces are climbing on my back and will start calling me names if I keep on typing words into this machine, so I better get it posted.
The Idle Musings are short posts of 300 words maximum. They are published on The Friendly Anarchist every other Tuesday. Grab the RSS feed to get them right into your reader.
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