All posts tagged ‘vienna

Pieces of Vienna

After last weeks post, a couple of people asked me to see some impressions of the wonderful city of Vienna, Austria. Obviously, I’m more than happy to share a couple of photos with you! As always, they are showing my personal vision (my “passion for light”) rather than the side of the city a marketing […]

How to Work (and Survive) in Vienna

Getting my creative work done while on the road will always be delightful and challenging at the same time: Every new place has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it always takes some time to find out about them. Having spent five weeks in Vienna now, I can honestly say that this is a great […]

Good Reads, Fast Breaking Edition

If you want to learn to appreciate food, try to eat nothing for a week. I did this experiment recently when I decided to go on a fast for a week, reducing my food from three meals a day to one or two apples, and then to nothing but unsweetened tea and unsalted vegetable broth. […]