All posts filed under ‘Tempo Giusto

Consistency and Your Creative Work

Do you know how many pages a day Norman Mailer wrote when working on his novel The Naked and the Dead? Seven. Double-spaced. Assuming that he could fit an average of 250 words on a page, that sums up to about 1750 words. 1750 words a day. And these 1750 words per day were reached […]

How to Live Life at Your Own Pace (Part 4): Travel

We tend to think that all we deserve is two weeks of vacation in a nice hotel complex down South each year. No matter if we’re entrepreneurs, regular employees, or pro-bloggers. Actually, most pro-bloggers don’t even think they deserve that. And when it comes to business trips or location independence, many of us stress out, […]

Slower Travels, Lessons Learned

Spending the last few weeks on the street once again confirmed my general approach to slower travel. While other location independents call themselves “professionals” – and, certainly, deservedly so – I am more a location independent dilettante kind of guy. Give me six months in Cartagena and (some) work will get done. Give me a […]